Terms and Conditions

The contents of the web pages under the URL https://www.mckenziefriends.com.au/ (the ‘Material’) are provided as general information only. The documents and materials on this website are based on the authors’ and publishers’ opinions and personal experience in helping people as a McKenzie Friend and in representing people in front of tribunals and magistrate’s hearings, particularly under New South Wales mental health and guardianship legislation.

The Material, the Website URL https://www.mckenziefriends.com.au (the “Site”), software or products or services available through the Site (the “Site Services”) do not constitute legal, financial or medical advice and should not be relied upon as such. Material, the Site, software or the Site Services, are provided with the understanding that the authors are not (i) qualified accounts; (ii) qualified finance professionals; (iii) licensed real estate agents; (iv) licensed financial planners or advisers and are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, medical or other professional advice.

While attempts have been made to render information to high journalistic standards, neither the Authors, nor the Publishers, or any participant makes any claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in this site.

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The Material, the site, software or the Site Services has been prepared as a general guide. It is not a substitute for obtaining professional legal, medical or financial advice specific to your particular circumstances. If you need legal, medical or financial advice on a specific matter, please contact a lawyer or other suitable professional.

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All Documentation Copyright ©2006-2016 McKenzie Friends Club. All rights reserved.

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